Diacritics in (Romanized) Japanese

最近編集者の友達が「鯉のぼり」という言葉をどういうふうに英語で書くのと質問がありました。発音区別記号 (いわゆるダイアクリティカルマーク) を使う必要があるかどうか尋ねました。ダイヤクリティカルマークはいらなくて、koinoboriと書いたほうがよいと彼に答えました。


An editor friend recently asked me how to write out a transliterated Japanese word in English and whether to include the diacritics. The word he asked me about was koinobori, and I said he could just write it as one word and skip the diacritics.

Please feel free to disagree in the comments, but I see little point to diacritics. English speakers are going to figure out their own pronunciation for words such as koinobori, karaoke, and kamikaze. Besides, do most people even understand what sound diacritics are supposed to represent? Of course, one might argue that in teaching Japanese diacritics are essential, but that assumes that teaching with romaji, transliterated Japanese, is a good idea. I think it's a terrible idea.


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